AuroTrap Collect

Designed for diverse environments, AuroTrap Collect works well both indoors and outdoors, offering comprehensive rodent control solutions for various facilities and surroundings.

The AuroTrap Collect is an innovative rodent trap designed to tackle the challenges of pest control across a wide range of environments.

Industrial Facilities:

Within production facilities and warehouses, the AuroTrap Collect’s effectiveness shines. It establishes a robust second and third line of defense, both inside the facility and around its perimeter.

Commercial Establishments:

From bustling restaurants like McDonald’s and Starbucks, positioned near dumpsters teeming with potential pests, to shops and stores, the AuroTrap Collect is a reliable guardian of your business premises.

Educational and Childcare Centers:

Playgrounds, schools, kindergartens, and other IPM (Integrated Pest Management) facilities require extra care when it comes to pest control. AuroTrap Collect safeguards these vital spaces, ensuring the well-being of our youngest generation.

Commercial Establishments:

From bustling restaurants like McDonald’s and Starbucks, positioned near dumpsters teeming with potential pests, to shops and stores, the AuroTrap Collect is a reliable guardian of your business premises.

Public Spaces:

Anywhere the public congregates becomes a potential pest hotspot. AuroTrap Collect provides a seamless solution, keeping these areas pest-free and enjoyable for everyone.

Residential Homes:

Residential spaces, from attics to garages and backyards, are not exempt from pest invasions. AuroTrap Collect can be your trusted companion, providing peace of mind and a pest-free living environment.

High-Risk Facilities:

Inside and outside high-risk facilities demand an uncompromising approach to pest control. AuroTrap Collect rises to the occasion, ensuring that pests have no chance of infiltrating these sensitive areas.

Recreational Areas:

Parks and recreational areas often attract large crowds. AuroTrap Collect ensures that these spaces remain clean, safe, and pest-free, enhancing the overall experience for visitors.

Hospitality and Healthcare:

Hotels, hospitals, care homes, and similar facilities require immaculate hygiene standards. The AuroTrap Collect plays a pivotal role in maintaining these standards by keeping pests at bay.

Automatic data collection and reporting​

Aurotrap automatically collects a large amount of data, which is sent to a server.

All data is accessible via smartphone, tablet
and computer

Trackable data for your pleasure

Benefits of the AuroTrap System

Save time and money on unnecessary outcalls

The AuroTrap system will enable you to work proactively with your rodent control, letting you know when your clients have unwanted visitors before they know themselves. Using the AuroTrap system will reduce your labor- and fleet costs by minimizing redundant outcalls.

Automatic data collection and reporting
The online system provides access to instant data and statistics 24/7. All data is automatically registered and stored for each individual trap to your app and backend. The system is set up to autogenerate reports for your clients.
Avoid secondary poisoning of predators and pets
With no use of rodenticides, the AuroTrap system eliminates the risk of secondary poisoning, and is safe for the environment and pets. Each individual trap can be set from the app and backend to operate only during certain hours of the day. This enables you to have traps only being activated to kill during nighttime at a school or other high-risk facilities.
More enviromentally friendly pest control
With an automatic and non-toxic trap, you reduce CO₂ emissions due to fewer service callouts and at the same time you protect the environment from toxic ingredients found in rodenticides.

Get in touch

For all inquiries please contact us today and we’ll get back to you as soon as possible.